Then double-click on any of the solid blocks in the SCK or MOSI signals to zoom in to see the actual signal: Observe the typical SPI signal waveform: the SCK clock generates monotonous clock pulses during the transmission and the MOSI signal (Master Output Slave Input) transmits the data one bit at a time.
Now we will use a logic analyzer to observe the SPI signals produced by the board.Set a breakpoint on the first call to HAL_GPIO_WritePin() and start debugging.Build the project and ensure that is succeeds without any errors:.Note that we manually control the NSS signal by setting the PA4 pin value to 0 before the transmission and setting it back 1 after the transmission. For STM32F407VG we will use pins PA4-PA7 with SPI1 (note tha alternate function number that is AF5 in this case):
First of all, locate the datasheet for your STM32 device and find the pins that can be used for SPI. Now we will modify the project to send a basic message over the STM32 SPI interface. Click “Finish” to generate the basic project and ensure it builds.Connect your board to the computer and click ‘Detect’ to automatically detect your ST-Link interface: For most STM32 devices programmable via ST-Link we recommend using OpenOCD. Finally specify your debugging settings.Select the default “LEDBlink” example and click “Next”:.In this tutorial we will use the STM32F4Discovery board that uses the STM32F407VG chip, however the techniques described here will work for other chips as well: On the next page select your STM32 device.Proceed with the default settings on the first page:.Start Visual Studio and open the VisualGDB Embedded Project Wizard:.
Imprivata stm32 driver install#
We will use an STM32F4Discovery board to demonstrate the SPI and a Nucleo-F411RE board with Analyzer2Go to capture and analyze the generated SPI signals.īefore you begin, install Visual Studio and VisualGDB: We will configure the SPI in several different modes, show how they affect the generated signal and setup the double-buffered mode to demonstrate continuous uninterrupted mode.
Imprivata stm32 driver how to#
This tutorial shows how to use the SPI interface of the STM32 devices using the STM32CubeMX HAL API.